MediaCorp Channel 8 综艺 Go Live

For most of us, it's the first time to step into the MediaCorp Theatre!
Amazing show brought by Mr. Tang~
Besides having great talent in music, our instructor Mr. Tang also masters Wu Shu.

Mr. Tang was still in the Wu Shu suits.

Taken after the show, we were all in white color to bring our sincere support to Mr. Tang! Number of people outside the theatre were not able to have the photo taking together. The supporting cards were so attractive but due to some issues, HB members were all seperated and hence cards were not able to be shown in the audience seats during the performances, it's pity :(

However, the memory will accompany us throughout our life!

Strive! Harmonica Band!!!


The Harmonica Exchange held in Victoria JC Theatre

Do you still remember ...

Climbing up to the level 3. Such a big crowd!

It's the first time, we, 40 members went for a harmonica exchange together, by shuttle bus, from west to east in Singapore. What did you do during the long journey in the bus?

DO you still remember the experience of the first stage performance?
DO you enjoy the performances by other High Schools and Junior Colleges?
DO you ever imagine how the students trained themselves to go for the Singapore Youth Festival?

Just before the beginning of exam period, we were striving to show our best in our first stage band performance.

Hey guys, have you enjoyed yourselves?
Homeland: Spirit, the Fresco Harmonica Ensemble praised us for this song!
We believe that, we all will have this song in our mind, won't we?

Let's strive for our very own annual concert - VIVACE X!

Extra sessions' Q&A

1. How to sound brighter and clearer on harmonica? No matter how hard I tried, the sound produced sounded dim or even with unstable notes.
Make sure that your air flow is parallel to the harmonica reed in order to have the maximum sound quality produced, i.e. keep the harmonica body parallel to your lips, not slanted upwards/downwards.

2. There is always a very short lag time (between the time I start blowing and the time when the sound is produced) for higher octave notes. Any suggestion to improve on this?
Use your tongue to give an ‘attack’ to the note (to increase the air speed). This will effectively eliminate the lag.

3. What determines the tone of my harmonica sound?
Embouchure (determines the volume) and airspeed (determines the stability of the sound)
Sometimes if your embouchure is too small (to avoid playing two holes at once causing dirty notes), notes could be bended – slightly sharper than the original notes. So, do keep your ears open and listen to your section mates. You should be playing the same notes as them.

4. Can the technique used for playing the middle notes be applied for lower/higher octaves?
No. We need to apply different technique for each and every note.
Harmonica reed for lower octave is the longest – need the greatest air volume to make it vibrate to produce the sound
For middle octave – shouldn’t be a problem for most of the time
For higher octave – the reeds are the shortest – i.e. a small amount of air would cause the vibration. Hence, over blowing/drawing will crack the notes. Playing of higher octave need very good control of your air flow.
That’s why playing of practice pieces and warm-ups using the lower and higher octave are very important. You need to ensure that you are familiar with the difference to play each and every note (from low1 to highhigh1)

5. I can’t hold my breath for too long. Is there any way to train for longer breath?
Practice, practice and practice. Aim to hold a single note for at least 16 seconds.

6. For Bass harmonica, what are the differences between single octave and double octave bass?
Double octave basses have double reed, so need more air to play the full notes. They sound thicker and rounder than the single octave basses as well.

7. How should I carry out self-practice at home?
Count the tempo correctly. Practicing difficult parts from slower tempo at first, then slowly increase the tempo until it matches with the band tempo.
You might wanna record down your own practice using recorder then playback for review. Analyse every single detail of your music including the dynamics, articulations, change of breath etc.
Finally, enjoy the music produced by your own instrument!

8. Is it okay for me to use my tongue to guide my mouth in order to find the correct hole to blow/draw?
It is a common practice to use the tongue as a guide. Nothing wrong with it but sometimes it might slow you down for running notes. Some reported that they injured their tongue as well.
A better proposition would be practicing more with your harmonica to familiarize yourself with the position of different holes. Then you will be able to estimate the distance between the holes better.

9. Is it okay for me to tap my foot in order to follow the conductor’s tempo?
It is a very bad habit to tap your foot as it could be very unsightly especially when we are on stage. Try counting the beats by heart or if you really need to tap, use your toes! Do make sure that you are tapping the same tempo as the conductor’s baton though.

- for more info on playing chromatic harmonica – some of the techniques can be applied for octave harmonica as well

Extra Session-指挥零距离





:多吹多练。例:(26 先试跳、吹,然后再从2开始3456酱吹上去。就可以听出是否跳太近/太远。练多了让嘴巴熟悉那一个距离就不容易跳错音了。

Q:低音四(low 4)的音吹得不好听,为什么?
:因为口琴内部结构的关系,低音四的音色本来就不好听。所以请尽量用 #3 来代替。另外,如果让气流够厚的话,低音四还是有可能吹好的。

Q:口琴谱上的1234已经很乱了,有降音符号(E )的更乱!头脑转不过来啊

Q : 边听歌曲边吹口琴的练习方式,ok吗?


2. 多练习!只要对歌曲熟悉,自然而然就不会遇到抓不准洞口和音准上的问题了。

3. 多听!古典乐、流行乐、民族乐曲什么类型的音乐都能帮助提升音感,从而提升演奏技巧。

4. 要懂得欣赏自己吹奏出来的音乐!自信很重要!

不敢吹 >>> 很小声 >>> 不好听 >>> 指挥要求重来 >>> 担心吹错 >>> 不敢吹 >>> 很小声 >>>....


Q: 怎样才能练好拍子。

A: 私下练习时可以用节拍器。建议去Bras Basah Complex 买,详细地址可以私下问汉维或seniors. 大组练习时建议用脚趾打和指挥同样节拍的拍子。 这样,从慢慢的速度练起,慢慢的就会抓准节拍的了。避忌:永远不要尝试凭感觉来吹大组,一定要跟指挥的节拍!

Q: 吹的时候有时不能同时看谱又看指挥,怎么办?

A: 谱架的高度一定要调好!要把谱架的高度调到不至于让自己的头往下倾斜。另外,可以尝试用眼角去看指挥的拍子。

Q: tongue block 要怎样练?

A: tongue block 的好处是可以让自己的嘴形一致、吹的时候反应可以很快,同时tongue block是各种口琴技巧的必备条件。比如,如何同时吹中音一和高音一以让半音阶达到类似octave的效果。详细情况可以私下问声部部长。

Q: 换气要怎样才能够快又顺畅。

A: 要熟悉吹的谱,可以记录下哪里要换气。经验累计多了,以后吹任何的谱的时候换气就会快了。

Q: 怎样振音?

A: 1.手掌形成一个共鸣腔,越大越好,振音的时候用其中一个手掌,或则同时两个手掌做开关的动作即可。2.摆动口琴,做左右来回的动作。3.用嘴唇,做前后的动作。4.用喉咙,初学者可以念‘右右右.....',让自己的振动更有连续性。5.丹田,有待争议。


Q: 冷的时候口琴吹不出声,怎么办?

A: 其实很多乐器都是有这样的情况,温度太低的话乐器很难玩出来。 如果温度还不算太低的话,warm up口琴是有帮助的。

建议:想长期玩口琴的团员,可以考虑去买hohner牌子的口琴,好处:容易开声、弹片的反应快。 对欲更上一城楼的团员很有帮助。 但缺点是贵:比如,十六孔的半音阶口琴就要大概一百多新币左右。 另外,玩乐器,自发性很重要!

composed by WeiJian, FongEn









opening ceremony过后,大家一起参加"孙老师舞蹈教室”。







outing 中。。。脸青青全家福







Charity Drive




光辉:公公,我看看哦 :)




VIVACE X, 嘉怡有话说:

VIVACE 系列,是口琴团成长的象征。VIVACE即将迈入第十届。领导层计划在校外大场所举办这场意义非凡的concert,时间暂定为明年八、九月。我们希望能将这个演奏会推广至大众,所以最重要的是我们要有相当的水准,让听众值回票价,在来届的vivace继续支持我们。一个演奏会能不能够成功,除了筹委会以外,关键在于演奏员本身的素质。身为演奏员,我们当然需要付出努力。世界上没有白吃的午餐吧?口琴团是一个团体,每一个团员都是重要的元素。团队精神是很重要的。所以,如果下定决心要参与VIVACE,我们要求能够有commitment, commitment是什么?那就是,自己要勤劳的练习口琴,最基本的音准拍子要靠个人努力,声部练习是让声部部长传授技巧和知识给团员,而大组合奏时讲究的是研究歌曲的感觉,用口琴用音乐把歌曲的感觉表达出来,感动观众



在今年的recess break前后,我们就会确定表演名单。希望大家好好思考这个课题啦!

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